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Tired of being recommended to study chess tactics but the tactics in the books do not look anything like what could arise in the openings you play? So am I! Well, here is the answer: opening specific tactical exercises split up by variation from actual games. 
In this book, you will face hundreds of tactical positions, not only combinations but positions with tactical elements for you to solve and familiarize yourself with. This will help you be extra tactically alert when you are playing your games in this opening. 
This book covers all the variations of the Main Line Caro-Kann (1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4. With well more than 300 positions and annotated solutions, you are bound to improve your tactical eye in typical positions of these openings and learn a ton about the openings when you study the solutions.

This book is the first in a new series. I got the idea when preparing material for some students who were all studying the same opening. Aside from studying theory and typical positions, I wanted to help them become familiar with typical tactical situations in the opening. They are not all combinations or something decisive but rather positions with a tactical undercurrent. 

This type of exercises helps the reader (or student) when playing actual games because the tactical themes and ideas are already part of the understanding of the opening, just like the theory or typical positions.
The game situations are all from actual games played by players rated 2000 or above.

Download a 10-game sample of the book

The download features a games from each of the above listed chapters

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