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Instructive Miniatures in the Queen’s Indian Defense
Spice up your chess opening repertoire and sharpen your chess tactics Miniatures in the King’s Indian: Fianchetto Systems 

The subject of this book is the Fianchetto Systems of the King’s Indian Defense can arise in any number of way, for instance, 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nf3 Bg7 4.g3 d6. The book’s purpose is to entertain and educate you. The entertainment consists of 100 main games all of which are 25 moves or less. In addition to the main games, you will find miniatures included in the notes, along with many other complete games. The education part involves solving tactical puzzles, reasoning your way to the right move, spotting combinations and studying the theory associated with these lines. 

While the theoretical coverage may not necessarily be as deep as in opening monographs or repertoire books, there’s usually more than enough to give you a good understanding of the particular line, making it easier for you to incorporate it into your opening repertoire. 

We have also tried to include some key alternatives with analysis to give you an idea of other possibilities for both sides. As for the games, they are typically between players with a rating of at least 2350 and in fact are often stronger. 



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The download features a game from each of the above listed chapters

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