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By Carsten Hansen

Large Print Editions


For those who need a larger font and bigger diagrams to comfortably read the material, we are now releasing the books in a larger format (7 x 10 inches), larger text (18-type font) and larger diagrams (3.5 inches). 


Large Print Editions Released

Volume 10: Selected Brilliancies

This volume features some interesting games from the other books in the series, one game from each chapter in all of the other books. 

Volume 1: Indian Defenses

This book features the King’s Indian, Grunfeld Indian, Nimzo-Indian, Queen’s Indian, Bogo-Indian, Blumenfeld Gambit, and Catalan Opening.

Volume 2: 1.d4 d5

This book features the Slav Defense, the Queen’s Gambit Accepted, the Queen’s Gambit – Non-Classical Lines, the Meran, Semi-Meran & Triangle Set-ups, the Queen’s Gambit – Classical Lines, the Queen’s Gambit – Specialties, and 1 d4 d5 – d-pawn Specialties.

Volume 3: Flank Openings

This book features games from the English Opening, Reti, King’s Indian Attack, Larsen-Nimzowitsch Attack, Bird Opening, Dunst, Sokolsky and a few more..

Volume 4: Dutch, Benonis & d-Pawn

This book features the Dutch, Anti-Dutch, Old Indian, Trompowsky, London, Colle, all the Benonis including the Benko Gambit and a few more.

Volume 3: Flank Openings

This book features games from the English Opening, Reti, King’s Indian Attack, Larsen-Nimzowitsch Attack, Bird Opening, Dunst, Sokolsky and a few more..

Volume 4: Dutch, Benonis & d-Pawn

This book features the Dutch, Anti-Dutch, Old Indian, Trompowsky, London, Colle, all the Benonis including the Benko Gambit and a few more.

Volume 3: Flank Openings

This book features games from the English Opening, Reti, King’s Indian Attack, Larsen-Nimzowitsch Attack, Bird Opening, Dunst, Sokolsky and a few more..

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