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Short games in chess have always fascinated me, what is it that is causing a player to go so wrong that he or she loses within 15 moves (or 25 moves as in my Chess Miniatures Series)?

The games in this book illustrate the making of and punishment of a lot of typical mistakes, loose piece, not calculating far enough, over-burdened pieces, overlooked intermediary moves, misevaluations, and more of that kind. But the names also include a surprising amount of tactics (see the front cover – White to move), sometimes even missed tactical opportunities.
I have chosen only from games of players that were rated 2350 and above (or would have rated as such, but it was before the rating system was put in place), because I felt that if mistakes like these can be played by such strong players, then there are lessons to be learned for the majority of the rest us. Further, I sorted away the worst games, such as when one side a piece is threatened and the other side forgets to move, that also happens amongs strong players.
Through the study of the games in this book should help you avoid a lot of mistakes in your own games, help you to take advantage of the mistakes of your opponents and ultimately sharpen your tactics and tactical awareness by answering the prompts to the diagrammed positions.
This book is a collection of games played by the best players in the world in which either White or Black wins in 15 moves or less either a result of brilliant chess tactics, an accumulation of mistakes or blunders.
Through the study of the games in this volume, you will improve your opening play, opening repertoire, strategies and tactical ability.
The chess opening variations in this volume are all the variations of the Sicilian Defense, such as:
1) The Najdorf Variation
2) The Scheveningen Variation
3) The Dragon & Accelerated Dragon Variations
4) The Classical Variation including the Richter-Rauzer & Sozin Attack
5) The Taimanov, Kan & Paulsen Variations
6) The Sveshnikov & Kalashnikov Variations

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